RYLA 5240 Parental Consent Form

This consent form is collected as evidence that parents/guardians of minors who will be attending Rotary District 5240’s RYLA event. The person signing this document (“Authorized Signor”) is expressing that they are the parent or guardian and have the authority to act on behalf of the minor who has been invited to attend a multi-day event (“Student”) by a Rotary Club. Further, Authorized Signor acknowledge that Rotary District 5240 has given reasonable time and information to Authorized Signor to investigate and understand the time, location, amenity, curriculum, rules, contact lists and all aspects of the general safety and well-being of the Student for whom consent is being granted. RYLA 5240 has a website www.RYLA5240.org that describes, in detail, the location, supervision, dining, sleeping accommodations, safety policies, curriculum and activities of this event. In the event any Authorized Signor has any questions regarding the event that is not addressed on the website, Authorized Signors have the right to call or e-mail the event staff (using the contact information found on the website) to answer all questions before issuing consent. This form must be completed as a condition of attendance.

Please note, all fields are required at this time other than Student Nickname/AKA and Parent Home Phone Number.

Terms of Participation

Student Attendance


THERE IS A WAITING LIST TO ATTEND THIS EVENT, PLEASE KEEP YOUR COMMITMENT OR CANCEL IMMEDIATELY. Local Rotary clubs pay for each student to attend the event and being selected by local Rotary clubs to attend is an honor. If your Student cancels early enough, it allows RYLA Staff the opportunity to fill the vacated space with another Student who has been selected to attend. Students must arrive on time and stay through closing ceremonies. Due to the nature of the curriculum, no students may leave the event and return. Arrangements can be made for early departure due to emergencies only.

By checking this box I am confirming that I have read, understand and agree to these terms (required).


During the registration process, the portal provides space for all invited Students and Authorized Signers to communicate with the RYLA staff any and all PHYSICAL, EMOTIONAL OR MENTAL LIMITATIONS students may have at the time of registration or during the event. RYLA staff does NOT rely solely on the students to describe their own limitations. RYLA staff does not claim to be qualified to handle any student’s special conditions and relies heavily on guidance and direction from parents and/or guardians regarding any special needs. RYLA requires a list of medications that students are bringing to the event whether they are prescription medications or not. Due to safety concerns, no medications, pills, supplements or medical lotions are allowed in student housing areas. If a Student uses a prescription drug those containers will be kept secured in the main Admin center and dispensed as prescribed. We do allow inhalers and Epi Pens to remain with students who need them. Your student will be asked to “check in” their medication upon arrival at the event and retrieve it at the end of the event. During the event, they will be required to check in with a supervisor / nurse / paramedic for each dose of medication. RYLA staff will securely store the medication, distribute it and track the student’s intake to ensure that they are not missing doses or requesting too many or excessive doses. In the event, any student has “as needed” prescriptions or special handing of prescriptions, it is up to Authorized Signor to deliver the information directly to the RYLA staff via e-mail at admin@ryla5240.org.

Authorized Signors must notify the RYLA staff If any Student has any food allergies or dietary restrictions. All meals are professionally prepared and special needs are addressed prior to the event starting. Please let the RYLA staff know via e-mail at least 10 days prior to the event at admin@ryla5240.org.

By checking this box I am confirming that I have read, understand and agree to these terms (required).


RYLA staff may from time to time provide upon request, over the counter medication for minor aches, pains, allergies, bug spray, sunscreen and ointment for minor scrapes, cuts or blisters following the descriptions, use and dosage provided by the manufacturer of the medication. If you don’t want your Student to be offered any over-the-counter medication, please inform RYLA staff at admin@ryla5240.org.

By checking this box I am confirming that I have read, understand and agree to these terms (required).


RYLA uses Camp Ramah (https://ramah.org/) as a venue for the event. This venue has been chosen for its ability to accommodate the needs of the RYLA program. Although the venue is owned by a religious group, there are no religious ties to Rotary or RYLA. The venue offers conference rooms, classrooms, large open spaces, sleeping accommodations, a large-scale kitchen, a ropes course and is gated with a guard on duty 24/7. It is in the hills of Ojai.

All Students will be supervised for their entire stay. During the day, Students travel from event to event in groups of approximately 25 to 30 Students of all genders with 2 to 4 adult supervisors. During the evening, Students will be in assigned cabins with bunk beds, bathrooms and showers. Each cabin is supervised by 2 to 4 adults. Cabins assignments are made by RYLA staff based on the gender information provided by the Student and/or their Authorized Signor. RYLA staff has the obligation to provide a safe environment for all Students and reserves the right to make accommodation changes as deemed necessary by RYLA staff during the event based on the safety and well-being of all concerned.

A portion of the activities at RYLA are in indoor classroom settings and a portion of the activities are outside. In some of the outdoor activities Students will be asked to perform physical tasks including but not limited to running, climbing, lifting, and straining. There is a risk of physical injury. RYLA has qualified medical personnel at the event site and is prepared to call emergency services if necessary. You have the right to ask to have your Student refrain from certain activities. Please send your request to admin@ryla5240.org prior to the event.

All Students will be asked to perform in front of other Students and adults, which may include public speaking, answering questions about themselves or their understanding of their surroundings, instructions or other people. No activity is designed to make anyone feel bad about themselves and the goal of the event is to make everyone feel better about themselves and their individual circumstances.

RYLA and Rotary International values diversity and the contributions of people of all backgrounds, across age, ethnicity, race, color, disability, learning style, religion, faith, socioeconomic status, culture, marital status, languages spoken, sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity as well as differences in ideas and thoughts.

By checking this box I am confirming that I have read, understand and agree to these terms (required).


RYLA has a strict policy regarding the use of cell phones. Your Student will NOT be allowed to use their cell phones unless authorized to do so by RYLA staff. Students may bring their cell phone with them to the event, but they will be collected and tagged for safe keeping during the event. The “No cell phone policy” is there for the protection of your Student’s privacy in the cabins and classrooms and to allow your Student a human connection without distractions or focus on events happening elsewhere. If you need to reach your Student during the event, you may contact RYLA staff via e-mail (admin@ryla5240.org or by cell phone (provided under separate cover). Your Student may be granted permission to use their cell phone to contact a parent or guardian. Your student will always have the ability to ask for the use of a phone belonging to an adult advocate if they need to ask for help or to report a problem to you.

By checking this box I am confirming that I have read, understand and agree to these terms (required).


Students are not allowed for any reason to drive themselves to the event. Rotarians have volunteered their time to provide transportation for your convenience, however, Authorized Signors may drive Students in either direction or both directions or assign the responsibility to another adult. RYLA staff tracks all drivers of Students. If your local Rotary club is driving your Student, a Rotarian from that club will contact your Student with the time and place for pick up and return. If you have not heard from a Rotarian at least 10 days prior to the event regarding transportation, please notify the RYLA staff at admin@ryla5240.org. Rotary International/5240 does not assign, pay or insure the volunteers who drive any students. You must decide if the driver and their vehicle are reliable and safe enough for your son or daughter. If you are driving your Student to and/or from the event, you must notify the RYLA staff at admin@ryla5240.org as soon as possible but at least 10 days prior to the event.

By checking this box I am confirming that I have read, understand and agree to these terms (required).


Students’ images, names and school names may or may not be used for the purposes of advertising, promotion, Student recognition or recognition of RYLA activities. Student’s personal information is never intentionally released to the public or any person not associated with the administration of the RYLA event. Any use of Student’s image(s) and information is not for profit or compensation. RYLA utilizes some forms of social media and RYLA 5240 has a website that may include photos from current or past RYLA events. The images or videos of Students may or may not be seen by the public.

By checking this box I am confirming that I have read, understand and agree to these terms (required).


All adults who will be staying overnight at the venue must pass a 50-state background check prior to arrival each year they volunteer at RYLA. In addition to the background checks, all adults complete safety training and agree with RYLA 5240’s safety policy (https://ryla5240.org/safety-policy). Further, RYLA staff attempts to verify the history and reputation of any volunteer prior to be chosen as a volunteer. All volunteers are told to watch other volunteers for “red flags”, and they are told that they are being watched by all other volunteers. Rotary International / RYLA 5240 / Local Rotary Club takes the safety and security of all attendees very seriously but cannot guarantee that an individual may act autonomously and against the will or direction of the organization.

By checking this box I am confirming that I have read, understand and agree to these terms (required).


You agree to hold Rotary International/5240/Local Club harmless against injury, loss or damage of property or acts of misconduct arising from your Students transportation to and from the event and their attendance of the event. I understand that I have the right to visit the event at any time, to verify your Students whereabouts, safety or environment or surroundings, ask for more information or request special accommodations. By your signature below, you confirm that you have read, understand and agree to all of the stipulations herein and grant consent for your Student to attend RYLA.

By checking this box I am confirming that I have read, understand and agree to these terms (required).

Student Information

First Name:
Nickname / Also Known As (AKA):
Email Address:
Last Name:
Date of Birth: (Example 11-23-2008)
Sponsoring Rotary Club:
Zip Code:
Name of School:

Parent/Guardian Information

Parent/Guardian Name:
Parent/Guardian Home Phone:
Relationship to Student:
Parent/Guardian Cell Phone:
Parent/Guardian Email Address:
Zip Code:
e-Signature (Please type your full name):