Form Checklist
Please complete all forms relevant to you to ensure a smooth and successful registration process.
PDF form downloads require Adobe Acrobat Reader in order to view them. If you do not have this installed on your computer, you can download the free application by CLICKING HERE.
Students – Forms you need!
Both selected and Alternate students must register by January 31.
Selected to attend: Student Registration
Selected as an alternate: Alternate Registration
A password will be provided by your Rotary Club RYLA Coordinator.
All Students:
BOTH Selected students and Alternates must “Register to Attend” online by January 31 and Parents must complete online consent forms by February 15.
First step to attend RYLA you must register online (January 31 Deadline) before completing the online Consent Form (February 15 Deadline). After you have registered online you will receive a confirmation with the link to the Parent Consent – Your club coordinator can also provide the link once registration is verified.
Coordinators are expected to monitor consent form submissions to ensure deadlines are met. Notices will be sent by the RYLA Administrator periodically, prior to the deadline, indicating receipt or missing consents.
Selected Students:
RYLA Questionnaire (Must submit first day of camp upon check in)
Volunteers – Forms you need!
Please note, if selected to attend, a background check will be necessary. You will be sent a form and submission instructions upon your selection.